Saturday, September 13, 2014


      I was talking to some friends recently and the subject of Narendra Dabholkar came in.Mr. Dabholkar was recently murdered and the murderer is not yet caught. I never met him , but had seen him on one of the interviews . He had u tube video, where he stated that one should not call astrology a "science". I am not sure how much study of this science he did , to call it fraud and not a science. One certainly can understand his argument. In the science there is hypothesis and no matter who does the experiment or where it is done , the results are reproducible. So this is not so with Astrology . So he does not believed it to be a science. There are two problems with this  argument. One is that there is something called 'free will. Which means one can 'change' the out come in most of the situation , either with little efforts or with lot of efforts. So one can do nothing and then the outcome would be as predicted or if the effort falls short then the outcome would be same as predicted .But if we try hard, then the outcome would be changed and then the prediction would be changed.So there is no one hundred percent in any situation. So what Mr.Dabholkar said is not incorrect, but it has simple explanation, which he tends to neglect.
     But the second and may be more important for those who question religion and put 100%faith in the science, is that neither science can predict things 100% of the time .Many years ago Laplace , a scientist proclaimed that if we know speed and position of a particle, then we could predict it's "future" position. But as it turned out, he was wrong. NO ONE CAN PREDICT WITH CERTAINTY THE "FUTURE" POSITION OF THE PARTICLE. There were several attempts and explanations for this and then was the birth of quantum theory.So as soon as one tries to look at the position of the particle , it changes its speed and then it becomes impossible to predict the future.. So the predictions are purely based on 'probability' and not certainty.This is exactly what I was saying. The course of our life is predetermined as long as there is no interference from 'free will' or the efforts . If that interference occurs , then the so called future is changed . So the 'destint' is not predetermined as long as we do not try to change . Same is true of astrology . It is based on probability. The predictions have too many variables and too many influences from outer sources . So this can make some predictions exactly 'right ' or 100%wrong.

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