The medicine is fluid. Everyday we get new information and new tests and new drugs and treatments . Sometimes what we learned in past may be partly true or may not be true at all. The classic example that I can give is frontal lobotomy where frontal lobe of brain was removed as a treatment and I think he got Noble Prize for that. But now we know that that is not correct and no one does Frontal Lobotomy any more .But certain principle still guide us They are almost eternal in that sense. The work up of anemia is one of them. But I often see patients who have anemia or low blood count get iron as treatment and many a times that may not be the problem. This brings me to the patient for today.
I saw this patient in my office . She was one of my patient's wife and had been diagnosed to have CIOD as she was smoker . So she had bad lungs - damaged from smoking and she must have been so bad or advanced that she was on oxygen all the time . She had no recent work up and so I decided to do new work up. But then she felt more short of breath and so went to ER and was admitted . She was found to have anemia - her hemoglobin which is normally 14 grams, was less than half at 6 grams . So the hospital doctor ordered gastroenterologist to see her . No anemia work up as to the cause of anemia was done . Th gastroenterologist saw her and told that she does not need any work up in hospital and she should be worked up for anemia as she had normal stools and there was no evidence of blood loss . I was notified of her hospitalization 3 days down the road . I saw her and realized that her worsening of shortness of breath was due to anemia rather than COPD . But she also had wheezing and she was not started on any bronchodilators which she used to have at home . I started her on her usual inhalers and did anemia work up. She also had some other problems .
Her condition improved and her shortness of breath was better as she was started on medicines and she had a blood transfusion. But the anemia work up showed that she had abnormal protein. Just to give an idea we have raw material that is needed to make hemoglobin - like B12 , Iron, Folic Acid and vitamin C and some other and then there is factory - which is bone marrow. We tend to lose blood in conditions like stomach ulcers or diverticular disease or polyps in colon and colon cancer and in younger ladies menstrual blood loss. So one has to find out if anemia - low count is due to poor or lack of raw material iron being one of them or if factory - the bone marrow is defective or if we have blood loss. In this patient the work up showed that she had problem with bone marrow . The abnormal protein which is produced by overgrowth of certain cells in marrow leads to reduction in production of red cells which carry hemoglobin
So her shortness of breath was made worse by low hemoglobin and that was due to somewhat unusual cause of abnormal growth of certain cells in marrow and iron will not work
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